The Royce//Ayr R56-211/311 drill bits are ideal for general-purpose use. Their exceptional performance particularly stands out when working with hard woods and tough plastics, ensuring clean and precise cuts with every use.
Price from1694 2420
For routing laminated or veneered wood and wood composites when top and bottom finish is critical. Upward and downward shearing action prevents chipping of laminates.
Ultimax (UM): Unique coating was selected after extensive testing on multiple coatings. Minimizes friction, increases edge hardness, and has excellent adhesion.Provides exceptional tool life specifically on nested routing applications.
5653 8075
For routing laminated or veneered wood and wood composites when top and bottom finish is critical. Upward and downward
shearing action prevents chipping of laminates. Chipbreakers help to prevent
furring or tearout of core on plywood.
8502 12145
Laminated or veneered wood and wood composites when top and bottom finish is critical. High quality carbide and unique flute geometry for ultimate tool life. Short upcut allows for chip free dados to be routed.
Ultimax: Unique tested and proven Ultimax coating to reduce friction and increase wear resistance for twice the tool life in cutting white melamine.
5473 7818
For routing laminated or
veneered plywoods when top
and bottom finish is critical.
Ultimax: Unique tested and proven Ultimax coating to reduce friction and increase wear resistance for twice the tool life !
7487 10696
Usage général pour le bois massif et les matériaux composites en bois. Conception à coupe descendante pour obtenir une bordure propre lors de la réalisation d'une rainure sur un matériau stratifié. Les brise-copeaux aident à réduire les éclats et les déchirures.
Price from8260 11800